Me and my Porsche

Me and my Porsche
It's the only way I'll ever have one!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

My new chapter

My life has taken a turn this week that I'm sure I saw coming but was in denial about: I am getting a divorce. Before I get too in depth on the subject, I'd like to take a minute to address what I imagine is on the minds of some folks.

1. I am OK. So is Mike. We are friends and hopefully for the sake of our children and nograndchildren we are able to maintain that friendship.

2. There was no physical altercation. 

3. I haven't moved yet. I'm looking for a place but my job is being
  quite time-consuming lately.

Now that I've got that bit out of the way, I'll just mention that what happened between the two of us is not public information and we request that readers please respect our privacy.